Sale, Solicitation, and Fundraising

These regulations apply to the sale or distribution of goods and services and the solicitation for, promotion of, and advertising of any item, program, charity, or service.

The following guidelines generally apply:

  • Sale and/or promotion are limited to activities permitted under municipal, state, and federal laws, and of those, activities permitted by University policy. Individuals and groups must conform to local licensing laws and University trademark and licensing policies. Authorized sales and/or promotions must not disrupt the normal operation of the University. Vendors, promoters, and advertisers may neither claim, indicate, or imply University support, and must avoid the appearance of University endorsement.
  • Tax-exempt property of the University may not be used as the place of business of on- or off-campus groups, businesses, or individuals unaffiliated with the University unless a business activity is associated with a University program, organization, or department and approved by the Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee or relevant department. Facilities of the campus, including but not limited to residence halls, Alumni Hall, Rand Terrace, Sarratt Student Center | Rand Hall, the Student Life Center, the Commons Center, and the Kissam Center, may not be used for the sale or promotion of activities that are not related to the University except by arrangement with the appropriate University office and approved by the Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee. If sales are to occur, the business must complete a “Limited Premises Use and Access License Agreement” in advance, outlining the responsibilities of the business, including the remittance of taxes associated with the contemplated sales. If a non-Vanderbilt business intends to sell food, the sale must also be approved by Campus Dining. The University may not receive any portion of proceeds from sales or collect fees, unless the sales have been approved in advance by the Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee. If sales are approved and the University receives a fee or percentage of sales, the funds received must be deposited into University accounts and be reported to the Department of Finance through standard procedures.
  • Sale of newspapers and newsletters must be authorized by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration or the Vice Chancellor’s designee. Papers may be sold in vending machines on Rand Terrace and in specified, pre-approved residences.
  • Concession arrangements for events at athletics facilities are made with the athletics department.
  • Arrangements for sale of event tickets for on campus events sponsored by Registered Student Organizations must be made through Student Centers using the Audienceview ticketing platform.
  • Arrangements for solicitation in Sarratt Center | Rand Hall or on Rand Terrace, by registered organizations or by University departments, are made with Student Centers.
  • Businesses may not use a University post office box as a business address, nor may anyone use University space, voice network, or data network for business purposes not authorized by the University.
  • Businesses may distribute materials to campus mailboxes via postage-paid, U.S. mail, only.
  • Campus student agents for businesses are encouraged to register with the Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee, and may solicit business through advertising in student publications under the purview of Vanderbilt Student Communications, Inc.
  • Door-to-door solicitation or promotion in residences is strictly prohibited. Very rare exceptions to the policy require written authorization of the Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee, for student door-to-door solicitation, promotion, or distribution of literature. Campus newspapers and other similar publications may be distributed in the lobbies of residence halls where containers to prevent littering are provided by the Registered Student Organization.
  • Sale or solicitation of sale of event tickets by a Registered Student Organization, is permitted to the members of the group and/or to the campus community.
  • The sale of tickets for admission to concerts, performances, and the like requires no authorization. However, these activities may not be promoted off campus except when the activity is expressly open to non-VU community members and the event is approved by the Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee.
  • Registered Student Organizations may engage in the distribution of items for a suggested donation when the funds raised are for the use of the organization in its regular activities (including philanthropic efforts) and are deposited into the organization's University account. Organizations undertaking such distribution must comply with University policies regarding the ordering of merchandise and licensing. With the exception of event tickets, organizations are prohibited from offering items for sale in a physical location. Locations for distribution for donation or sale must be arranged through the Student Centers office.
  • The location of the sale(s) must be approved by Student Centers.
  • Registered Student Organizations may engage in the sale of items in the online marketplace.
  • The Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee may regulate times and places of delivery of items to residences, including foodstuffs such as cakes and pizzas, or gifts of any kind.
  • The Vice Provost and Dean of Students or designee must authorize the solicitation for donations by Vanderbilt student organizations, of off-campus agencies, groups, businesses, etc.
  • Service auctions must comply with the conditions delineated, in the Student Organization Administration section of this handbook. 

Religious Solicitation

Solicitation for religious purposes by on- or off-campus groups or individuals is governed by the same regulations stated in the sections “Communication and Promotion” and “Student Organization Fundraising.” Specifically, persons are strongly discouraged from approaching individuals whom they do not know in order to recruit them for religious reasons. Visits to residences by individuals from off campus are to be at the invitation of a particular student, for a particular time, in that student’s room, only, and with the permission of that student’s roommates, if any. For example, persons who are invited to visit in a resident’s room may not recruit on the hall among other students. This policy also prohibits the use of any common spaces in dormitories or campus buildings for recruitment, training, prayer groups, or any other activities unless the group is a Registered Student Organization.

Vanderbilt does not infringe on any individual’s religious freedom. Indeed, the University encourages the free flow of religious ideas as well as lively debate among persons from various religious persuasions. However, Vanderbilt will endeavor to protect students and others in the University community from unauthorized solicitation.

For further information concerning religious solicitation, students may consult the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life.

Soliciting for Employment

Students may note that employment representatives (including current students who may be employed with an organization) who wish to recruit students for any type of job must register with the Vanderbilt Career Center, 310 25th Ave South – Student Life Center, Suite 220, 615-322-2750. Arrangements must be cleared in advance and specific procedures must be followed.

Organizations recruiting anywhere on campus must obtain permission from the Center. Recruiting tabling, speaking in classrooms regarding employment opportunities, hosting employment-related meetings, or distributing materials on campus. All events must be requested through Handshake and approved by the Career Center. All approved notices must clearly state the organization, product or service involved, and a job description. Notices may not be posted on automobiles, distributed in campus residences, or posted on any other unauthorized space on campus.

Employers who wish to post internships or full-time permanent employment opportunities electronically should do so via Handshake, Vanderbilt’s online recruiting platform. Employers may also connect with the Career Center by emailing The Career Center does not post fee-based programs, commission-only opportunities, blind postings from third-party vendors, co-ops or study abroad programs.

To post part-time jobs or student employment jobs electronically, employers should connect with Student Employment via the HireADore website, call the Financial Aid Office at 615-322-3591, or visit the website. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the prohibition of future recruiting activities by the offending organization.

Soliciting in Residence Halls

Ordinarily, solicitation in campus residences is prohibited. Room-to-room solicitation for any reason is not allowed. Those students or student organizations who wish to organize clothing, food, blood, book, or other drives in the residence halls must request authorization from the Associate Dean of Students for Housing and Residential Experience or designee.

Student-Election Campaigning in Residential Units

Residence hall campaigning is permitted for Vanderbilt Student Government, Honor Council, and Outstanding Senior elections, only (i.e., those with campus-wide or specific residential-unit interest). Room-to-room solicitation or campaigning is specifically prohibited. As a practical matter, campus-wide elections generate more posters than can be accommodated on residential bulletin boards. Students running for office may post two flyers per bulletin board in residences, but may not cover or remove flyers already in place. Posters larger than 11" x 17" in size are prohibited. The internal and external use of residential windows, doors, walls, and bathroom stalls is prohibited. Candidates are responsible for removing flyers within 48 hours of the conclusion of an election.

In the lobbies of certain residences, it is appropriate to hang banners of campus-wide interest. In these lobbies, candidates running for campus-wide offices may hang banners limited to three (3) feet in width and five (5) feet in length. Candidates wishing to hang banners in residential lobbies must contact the Director of Residential Experience or designee for authorization and guidance. Candidates may reach the Director by calling Housing and Residential Experience at 615-322-2591.

  • Dining Centers- Permission to hang posters or paint designated windows in the dining spaces of Rand Hall or any other dining facility must be obtained from the Director of Vanderbilt Campus Dining.
  • Greek Facilities - Greek chapters with houses may hang banners from their own facilities.
  • Automobiles- Notices may not be posted on automobiles.

For more information about distributing notices on Rand Terrace or outside the building in which a meeting has been scheduled by another organization, please refer to the Freedom of Expression policy.

Third-Party Solicitation

Commercial advertising matter and notices unrelated to the University, including those physically placed on campus or sent electronically or other means by third party businesses or individual students, faculty and staff, are prohibited. Advertising for commercial or personal matters can be done in campus publications.

Vanderbilt community members who advertise services to students (e.g., typing or sale of books) may post small notices on bulletin boards.