Fan Access Policy
The Southeastern Conference Fan Access Policy states: “In all sports, access to the competition area shall be limited to participating student-athletes, coaches, officials, support personnel and properly-credentialed individuals, at all times. For the safety of participants and spectators alike, at no time before, during or after a contest shall spectators be permitted to enter the competition area.” Students who violate this policy—including by rushing a court, field, or other competition areas—are subject to corrective action through the University’s accountability process, and may be required to pay a fine. In addition, individuals who improperly enter the competition area may be expelled from the facility, arrested for trespassing, or lose future ticket privileges.
Signs, Banners, and Artificial Noisemakers
Students may paint themselves, using the common names for Vanderbilt teams (e.g., Dores, Vandy, VU). Students wearing apparel, or who paint themselves, displaying abusive, offensive or obscene words or drawings – as determined by athletic department personnel – may be denied entry or required to change or remove the offense, consistent with rules applied by the athletics department to other spectators/members of the public. Students and/or Registered Student Organizations may submit banners to be displayed at the game to the appropriate athletic department official, prior to the game. Banners with obscene, offensive, or derogatory messages—as determined by athletic department personnel—will not be displayed. Efforts will be made to display all banners submitted and approved. Banners must be submitted to the athletic department at least 48 hours before a contest. Students are permitted to bring hand-held signs to athletic events provided that the signs meet the following guidelines:
- The signs must be no larger than one piece of standard-size poster board (22" x 28");
- Signs may not display abusive, offensive, or obscene words or drawings—as determined by athletic department personnel; and
- Names of commercial products other than the official broadcast networks of the contest may not be mentioned on the sign.
- Dry erase boards and the like are prohibited. Signs must be completed and approved by the designated member of the athletic department prior to the event, and may not be changed once approved.
Event staff has the discretionary authority to determine whether a sign meets the guidelines. Signs that do not meet these guidelines may be confiscated at any time during the event. Students in possession of a sign that does not meet the guidelines may be ejected from the contest if they refuse to comply with the policy stated above.
Artificial noisemakers (cowbells, vuvuzelas, inflatable balloon-stick clappers, etc.), are prohibited at any athletic event, with the exception of musical and percussive instruments used by official team bands in accordance with Southeastern Conference regulations.
The complete Vanderbilt Athletics Fan Code of Conduct is available on the Athletics website. Where in conflict with this policy, the University’s Freedom of Expression policy will be applied to actions of students participating in a protest, demonstration, or dissent.